Monday, March 23, 2020

The Rocketeer

The Rocketeer
Disney Classics
Diamond Select Toys

I love that someone at Diamond Select has a soft spot for cult, live-action Disney movies.  Tron, while delivering the goods with the core characters, stumbled with the last minute, cost saving measure of deleting the Recognizer ship pieces.  Luckily, the Rockteer is here with a $#%*-ton of accessories to save the day!

Since Funko produced a Rocketeer figure a handful of years back, I had to ask myself if I really needed this one.  Is it worth the upgrade?  Well, yes, and then some...especially if you start with Funko’s terrible quality control in using clear, brittle plastic to secure joints.  While their figure looked great, mine needed a Gorilla Glue leg to hip fusion shortly after being removed from the box.  Also, while it did come with an unmasked head, Diamond Select said “Hold my beer.”

With DST, you get the Billy Campbell head, bare hands, several sets of gloved hands (that you can actually see the pack triggering mechanisms better on), removable jet flames, a flying jet flame display base, card stock pack blueprints...and the pack is removable!  Yes, succeeding where they could not with their Ghostbusters figures, they made the pack removable with a porting uniform chest piece and pegs accessible on the rear left side of the figure.  

The new figure also looks great, and the articulation is comparable to the Funko release.  It beats the latter with double elbows, but sacrificed the double knees.  Not a big deal, as I figure bending his knees in unnatural poses would just lead to getting his calves melted off in the pack flames.  One bend and the ability to point his feet downward was all they needed to succeed.

Funko only wins in one area...and it’s a pretty big one to me.  NO GUN.  You get a gloved hand with a grip-and-trigger finger, but NO GUN.  Is it because Diamond is more of a family line?  Even if DSTs hands were tied on this, I’m glad someone felt my pain and slipped in that trigger finger.  So, thanks, broken Funko figure...yoink!  Thanks for the piece, idiot!

Apparently this figure is part of a line called Disney Classics, which sounds awesome, but is a bit of a head scratcher.  I mean, after Tron and Black Hole (coming up soon!), what else can we expect?  Does this extend to the Touchstone banner?  I would love to see a Dick Tracy line...or better yet, Roger Rabbit!  Keep em coming Diamond, puh puh puh puh please!

Go get 'em, kid!

More "Disney Classics" reviews:
Flynn - TRON
Kingdom Hearts TRON

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Johnny Lightning Ecto-1, Proto-Ecto-1, and the Undertaker

Ecto-1, Proto-Ecto-1, and the Undertaker
Johnny Lightning - 1:64 scale
Silver Screen Machines

Everybody can relax, I found the car!  Johnny Lightning has done the famous Ghostbusters ride a handful of times over the last decade or two, but never like this.  As far as I know, this is the first time out for the busted and rusted, black Caddy.  

It is what it is...nowhere near as ornate as the final product, but they did their best with the detailing on the scraped up paint and wear.  It has the two front spotlights (different models) that the finished Ecto has, and also has the single, red rotating light that it doesn’t.  INteresting to see the couple of red headlights as well.  My favorite detail here is the funeral curtains you can see through the windows.

JL also released an updated sculpt of the finished Ecto-1.  It features the most detailed and accurate roof rack I have seen in this scale.  Everything else, from the logos and license plates to the lines and fins, looks cleaner than ever before.  It even has the "clear" spots in the middle windows!  This beats anything Hot Wheels has produced up to this point.  Be careful with that sniffer though...I could see a tumble from the shelf being the end of that.

Even if you have a fleet of 1:64 scale Ecto-1s in your collection already, these are worth getting.  They look great and won’t break the bank at $7-9 each.  Now bring on the rusted “Afterlife” decos, 2020!

Since this was a shorter review, I’m throwing in a recent clearance pick-up:  the WWE Ghostbusters Undertaker figure!  This was the only one of the five exclusive Walmart figures I couldn't find when they hit before Halloween.  Taker has a huge following, so this ghostly version was quick to disappear between fandoms...even those lousy wrestling fans who scoffed at the overall crossover.  Way to break up collections for GB die-hards, a-holes!

I found this lone figure in the clearance aisle at one of the worst Walmarts for toys in my area (Branson...yuck)...and for only $8!  I lost many an EBay auction around the $30 mark before giving up and pretty much forgetting about this figure.

Taker looks great in translucent purple.  The darker ink on his many arm tattoos really pop with some backlighting.  On top of that, he comes with a slime green, translucent, world heavyweight title belt.  Since the wrestlers in this set lean more to the side of Attitude Era and beyond, I am pleasantly surprised to see the winged eagle design, aka the greatest belt design ever.

So there you go, some tiny cars and a weird-looking wrestling icon in a coffin in front of a Twinkies cereal box.  Hey, Ghostbusters merch is still pretty scarce at the moment!

BTW, the cereal was not good.  Too sweet (yes, even compared to the actual snack cake) and powdery.  It didn't taste much like a Twinkie either, which I blame on the lack of attempt to replicate a  cream filling.  C'mon, Post...Krave and Pop Tarts cereal showed you the way and you blew it.  Egon would not approve.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Beef Boss

Beef Boss
Fortnite Legendary Series

As I said before, Jazwares is killing the 6-inch figure game with figures from a video game that I have never played.  Great, old-school Marvel Legends articulation (Toy Biz, yo) with tons of accessories and funky character designs.  I use the line primarily as goon army builders and placeholders in my DC/Marvel collections.  But some that don’t fit there are just too fun to pass up.  Like Ralphie (aka Rabbit Raider) and Beef Boss here.
Would you like fries with that?  Super-size for only 39 cents more?

I love fast food.  McDonald’s in particular.  So a figure with a McD-inspired burger puppet head, Ronald-esque bright colors, and a giant spatula weapon is an instant win.  No waiting for this one to go to clearance...I needed him now!  He shares the basic soldier body type that many of the other Fortnite characters have, but get a load of the sesame seeds sprinkled throughout!

Along with the spatula, he is armed with a wicked looking assault rifle, two pistols, a plate with a slice of cake, and a giant French fry backpack.  My favorite detail is the holster on his backside that has non removable ketchup and mustard bottles.  Man, I wish I still had some of those old Happy Meal Fry Guys toys to stand with him as henchmen.
“I knew you’d ketchup to me sooner or later.  How I relished this meeting.”

While he looks nothing like the character Batman the Animated Series or his comic look, thematically I think he makes an excellent stand-in for the Condiment King.  If not him, at least he checks the 60s comics gimmick of the week box.  He would definitely fit in the Tick’s universe...if only there were modern Tick action figures.  Oh well, I still had fun recreating one of my favorite Batman TAS moments with him:
“Come, Batman...let’s see if you can cut the mustard.”