Friday, September 6, 2019

Laser Power He-Man and Laser Light Skeletor

Laser Power He-Man and Laser Light Skeletor
Masters of the Universe Classics - Mattel

Big Bad Toy Store recently received a bunch of old product from the now defunct Mattycollector.  It's been a long dry spell since I added anything to my MOTU collection, so I took advantage of some odds and ends at discounted prices.  This double-pack of Laser Power He-Man and Laser Light Skeletor originally cost $65, but I scored it for $40.  Is it worth it at that?  

Eh, depends on how much you like weird character variants.  These are a homage to some of the last figures released in the original 80s really scraping the bottom of the barrel.  Still, the light-up gimmick is a win, and I love the design on both.  Plus, Mattel has found a way to link them into the greater MOTU mythology.  You can definitely see it in Skeletor's design, but both are a link from the end of the barbarian MOTU we knew and loved to the less fondly remembered space-themed New Adventures of He-Man.

Skeletor is starting to show signs of the techno-virus on his head and limbs.  I dig the new sculpt, but the light feature hinders some of his posability.  His light-up fist cuts out elbow movement on his right arm, and the battery pack being permanently attached to his back means no ab crunch or cape removal.  The hood is removable so you can check out his techno "veins."  The red light is very bright, able to shine through the fist to the translucent red ram staff he holds.  The larger eyes look pretty creepy.  

He-man fairs a bit better in execution.  All of his armor is removable, including his battery pack.  His sword is as bright as Skeletor's fist, but that's the only area with this feature.  To make up for it, he does sport a new headsculpt that is quite different from previous releases.  Kind of looks like a beefy Greg Sestero from "The Room."  I popped this head onto the King Grayskull body to make a fairly decent MOTU 2002 He-Man, which is also a decent stand-in for a movie He-man with the cape and shoulder fluff.

These are never going to be my go-to figures for these character, but they do offer unique play value and display variance.  Silly, but fun.  If you can get em cheap, why not?

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