Tuesday, September 24, 2019

He-Ro II, Intergalactic Skeletor and Faker

He-Ro II, Intergalactic Skeletor and Faker
Masters of the Universe Classics - Mattel

More clearanced-out Masters figures from Big Bad Toy Store!  I mentioned Skeletor's evolution into the space theme in our last review, so here's a look at his final incarnation.

The color scheme is a bit bonkers (never liked the magenta/maroon over the classic blues/purples), but the overall sculpt is fantastic.  Look at all those gross techno-veins!  There's a lot of detail in the new armor.  His helmet is removable for a look at the claw-like machinery feeding into his skull.  His skull itself is far more detailed and gruesome than previous incarnations.  

He's a lil bulkier than usual as well, with the cape attached to a removable chest piece.  The only downer here is that it doesn't completely run down to the waist in front, exposing the evil one's belly button.  It makes him look like he is insecure about his physique, needing some sculpted muscles with his body armor.

Ah well...to make up for it, or at least distract you from it, he comes with his big-ass staff and an alternate head for an older figure, Faker.  Not sure why they decided to throw this extra head in here, but honestly, it sold me on the Skeletor.  Who doesn't love battle-damaged sculpts?!  The robotic duplicate of He-man is now exposed like the T-800.  If the blue skin didn't give away that this is not He-man...It looks great!  I gave this old bot a further face lift (or face off) by adding the slime green power sword, shield, and battle ax from the End of Wars Weapons Pack (also clearance.)  He only came with his orange power sword in his initial run, so now he's ready to rumble, bigger and badder than before!

I figured I better pick up a next-gen He-man to go with the next-gen Skeletor...but all I found was He-ro II, his wimpier looking offspring.  His name is Dare and he has a ponytail...nuff said.  Eh, he's not a terrible figure.  I like the techno-vest and the updated power sword, which is an homage to it's original mini-comics appearance.  But, c'mon, bro...my He-man is never going to give up the one true sword, especially to someone like you.  

So to recap: a decent, mid-riff baring Space Skeletor and the Unnecessary Teen-man, plus a Terminator face equals "meh?"  Maybe higher than "meh."  Again, these were discounted figures that are definitely worth the price I paid.  But still, there's a reason no one wanted them the first time around.  Oh well...battle-damaged Faker and a complete Hall of Skeletors for the win!


  1. They're not the two most popular figures but I think they're both really well done. I love the New Adventures designs for the most part (the cartoon, not so much) and I've always liked this Skeletor. I love how Mattel put random accessories in for older figures as it made collecting these when they were released just even more fun. I think I have my battle damaged Faker head on my Battle Armor Faker. He looks insane! I love it!

    Also, tell me that Dare/ He-Ro2 doesn't look like he stepped right out of the early-mid 1990s. I think if things had worked out and he had starred in the Son of He-Man show during that time, his design would have looked just like this. Straight out of the extreme era!

    1. Definitely well done, and still fun to play with! I really do wish we had a Skeleteen! I buy that obscurity in a heartbeat!
