Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ghostbusters UNO

Ghostbusters UNO

Took 'em long enough to rectify the mistake...whoops, Mattel made Ghostbusters 2016 UNO cards before the one and only Ghostbusters!    It plays the same as the original, save for the new "Cross the Streams" card that I'm not sure adds that much to the game.  Oh, well...the pictures they selected look nice!

Even Janine gets some love here!  The Louis with coffeepot shot is my favorite. ("Yes, have some!") I like the "spooked" Ray on the "0" card, but feel that this number should have been reserved for Walter Peck.

The pictures selected for the special action cards are even better.  "Skip" turn on Gozer..."Reverse" on the librarian...hah!  The wild card, which I forgot to take a picture of, features the Ghostbusters "hands-in" after surviving Gozer's earthquake.  The cream of the crop though is the "Draw Four" card, with all four heroes in one of the best promotional shots ever.

I found this deck at Gamestop for about $6 (while buying an Ectotron/Ghostbusters t-shirt, I might add).  If you like UNO and Ghostbusters, you should have no problem justifying this checkout lane, impulse purchase.


  1. Nice! My daughter is just getting ready to turn 6, loves Ghostbusters, and is just starting to get into card games like this. I don't believe we even own an Uno deck so this might be a good purchase for her as a pre-Halloween treat over the next month or so.

  2. I dont really like the look of the cards so I will probably skip out on this purchase, even though I am an avid Ghostbusters fan.
