Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Rattlesnake Mountain Ring

Rattlesnake Mountain Ring

Mattel - Masters of the WWE Universe

Despite the headache of tracking them down, this Walmart exclusive series is still going strong.  A year after the line’s debut with the Castle Grayskull ring, we have a follow up in Rattlesnake Mountain.  Hey, Skeletor and his goons need somewhere to train, right?  Not only that, but it comes with two legendary WWE figures that arguably top the last by a mile:  Stone Cold Steve Austin and the immortal Hulk Hogan!

I get that Austin makes a great snake man in name and attitude, even though I was never fully sold on his total heel turn in the WCW Invasion days.  It was an easy out for Mattel...give him some slightly snake-looking eyes, and clip on snake arm and call it a day.  

Without the clip-on snakes, just plain Austin doesnt look or feel very “Masters of the Universe.”  I mean, they could have at least made his vest fit the primitive-techno theme.  Or given him a suped up version of this leg brace.  Hell, they could have gone full on “Robotic Redneck”, as Jim Ross would say.  In any case, he was a much needed legend that I’m glad secured a spot this early in the line.  Oh, might have noticed the yin to Austin’s yang here: the most electrifying hero in Eternia, the Rock!

Rock is the lone series three pick up for me.  This wave has been notoriously difficult to find all around.  I am missing the Scare Glow/Undertaker mash-up, but even if I never find him, I still have the great one!  And what a great figure he makes.

They’ve outfitted him with a “Masters” armor, complete with signature brahma bull.  He comes packed with more accessories than most, even if they are reused.  He’s got a black, Man at Arms mace, and clip on electric bolts that date waaaay back to Superman Blue in Mattel’s DC Universe Classics.  Best of all, he has the WWEternia Championship belt!  It looks to be an homage to 2002’s Fisto revamp?  I could be wrong.  

From series four (cherry-picking the legends), brings us Jake the Snake and Mr. T!  Mr. T must have signed a lucrative deal with Mattel/WWE in the last year, because this is the third figure we have had of him in as much time.  No complaints about that here!  I pity the fool who complains about the multitudes of T!!!

He looks so good, so colorful!  Great choice of armor.  And best of all, is the added Fisto/Jitsu, fool-smashing gauntlets!  Not only are these an awesome choice for the character, but they cover up the factory defect of having two right hands on my figure...(sad trombone sound).  Oh, well...I’ll make due, as he has been super hard to find in the wild.

Jake may have the gimmick to top them all in this line.  Appropriately sitting proxy for King Kiss, he has removable armor to reveal his scaly underside.  And....drumroll...a tear away face to reveal his true nastiness!

This works so much better than one would think.  The face overlay isn’t too oversized, and fits perfectly snug.  I like that there is a little piece of rubber hair on his hairline that goes over it to make it look fairly natural.  

Last but certainly not least, Hulk Hogan makes his return to standard toy shelves!  The controversies have died down, and I am happy that they have re-embraced the character.  Legends collecting has felt empty without him, even if they’re giving me an overdose of Macho Man to compensate.  The Rock is the only one that comes close to his status in wrestling, so this has been a long time coming.  I hope the doors to Hulk merch remain open for the the foreseeable future.

Sorry, John Cena, you may have just been bumped from being the proxy He-man for this universe.  The one one in WWEternia that can tame those pythons is the man with the 24-in pythons, brother!  The Horde armor works because of the bulk, colors, and “h” on the chest...but I’m not sure about the “rips” on the back of the armor.  Sure, it replicates Hulk’s tattered entrance gear...but how strong is that armor exactly?  Tin foil?  Or am I supposed to pretend an Eternian dragon could only have made marks like that?  I’m gonna file this under “silly-yet-awesome”. 

The ring playset is a repaint of the first with new “lava” ropes and some towering snake ring posts.  In place of stairs, is a rickety-looking suspension bridge ramp (which I apparently misplaced before this phot shoot) that fits with the original Snake Mountain motif.  I didn’t need another ring taking up space, and I may have bought it just for the figures, but Mattel did a good job with the overall theme.

I look forward to more of these figures down the line, even if they are a pain to track down as store exclusives.  Hey, WWE and Mattel, we’re drowning in series 2 Roman Reigns here!  And no, more Seth Rollins doesn’t help!  Send more Legends, please!  

Take a look back at previous WWEternia figures and the Castle Grayskull ring:


  1. Nice review! I love this line though, you're right, they're tough to find. Who all are you still looking for? I'm keeping an eye out for a Mr. T for someone else but I'll keep my eyes open for whatever you might be looking for, too.

  2. Thanks! Just looking for Undertaker at the moment, though I hear the next wave is hitting now and will need Kane as well.
