Friday, October 16, 2020

BB Units

 BB Units

Galaxy’s Edge Trading Outpost

Target Exclusives - Hasbro

While I’m probably never going to get to visit Galaxy’s Edge at Disney World (due to admission price, travel time/distance, excessive crowds, TSA hassles, Coronavirus, etc) the overlords at the House of Mouse (Barf) have graciously allowed everyone’s favorite exclusive retailer, Target (Double barf), to bring park merchandise to their loyal subjects in the flyover states.  Now you can buy the same, 2008 large Millennium Falcon for over twice the original price!  Or maybe some BB Units?  If you can find them! I found all three two-packs of BB Units.  Missing in the same assortment were three Astromech Droids.  What does that tell you about the sequel trilogy?  

Anyhoo, more droids is more droids.  They’re cute, colorful, and non-offensive (that sass-bot from “Solo” is another story).  Also, 3.75” figures in this day and age are becoming more rare and rare...

There are apparently more body/ball designs than there are head models.  With heads you only get dome or cylinder.  Hey, sequel trilogy, what happened to the more triangular heads?  Disney was probably afraid sharp angles might be deemed too aggressive or something...

I wish there was more color variation among these six.  I mean, two share an orange deco, and two others share black and white.  They are made so you can swap heads, but that can only take you so far.  The old Droid Factory Astromechs had, what, five swapable parts?  Sigh...

That’s a lot of complaining for something that doesn’t quite break the bank.  Still, priced at $10 a set, I would have liked to have paid at least $2 less for what you get.  But, hey, more background fodder for play as I re-write the further adventures of Luke Skywalker and company with my action figures.

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