Wednesday, September 16, 2020

WWE Motherload!

 WWE Motherload!


So the other day, I was at a local second-hand video game/movie/collectible store, and they just got in an assortment of used WWE figures.  I’m not sure how the employees are trained to price certain collectibles, but their system was...a bit off.  The nailed the rarity of a Flashback series 3 wave (that was exclusive to Walmart and eluded just about everybody), but missed a few other classics.  The man on the street recognizes Jake the Snake, but not, say, Bruno Sammartino or All-American Ron Simmons (WCW title run.)  I scooped up the latter two for $8 each, which I thought was a steal.  


After an evening of restless pondering, I went back to pick up the rare Jake the Snake (from the birth of Attitude/Austin 3:16) for $30.  But when I went to check out, I see hundreds more WWE figures on the counter being sorted for sale.  I see some oldies that are now pretty rare/pricey...Rick “The Model” Martel, Akeem the African Dream, Hillbilly Jim, etc.  I ask for prices, prepared to blow it off.  “That pile?  $8.”


EIGHT DOLLARS?!  WOO-HOO!  I dove in like Uncle Scrooge in the money bin to find more treasure.  All three members of Demolition!  The Bushwackers!  Vader!  The Rockers!  Some of these guys will never be made again for various reasons:  went to a rival company, concussion lawsuits, death/likeness rights, etc.  I’ve filled quite a few gaps in my collection with this stop!


Again, the Man on the Street shrugs, slaps the $8 tag on them...then goes to a box of separated out Rocks, Austins, Hogans, and Macho Men to pice out higher at $10.  It’s a bit baffling in the age of EBay and cellphones that you can still score some deals chalked up to just plain ignorance.  Oh well, one man’s trash is second-hand store’s treasure...or trash or whatever...their loss is my gain?  Ooooooh yeah!


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