Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Black Hole

The Black Hole
Disney Classics - Diamond Select Toys

The Black Hole is a totally underrated oddity from the dark days of Disney.  You know...back when they didn’t own everything and were forced to take risks to stay competitive? You occasionally got something truly dark, scary, and twisted.  Like a movie about a derelict spaceship perched on the edge of a black hole, run by a mad scientist and his reanimated corpse crew, and policed by a murderous robot.

Scream, Anthony Perkins, scream...Maximillian, the silent, cycloptic, kill-bot is back!  He is really massive, even for a 7-inch scale.  I would have to watch the movie again and compare his size...he may be too big?  He would probably look just fine next to a 12-inch figure.  No matter, he’s awesome.  And for an all crimson paint job, DST did some great metallic silver weathering here and there.

All of Max’s deadly gadgets are here!  His multiple arms can be outfitted with regular claws(closed or open), spinning claws, and electric bolts.  The arms are hinged, and in sets of three on a rotating disc. His “legs” hinge outward, and his hover skirt has hinged flaps for different flight poses on his massive flight stand. His waist and head can be rotated 360.

My favorite accessory is the alternate head with the eyes of Dr. Reinhardt behind the visor, terror-stricken in gazing at the piles of burning corpses in Hell.  Oops...spoilers!  See, pretty dark, huh?

Disney tried to lighten the tone with some R2-D2-esque companions in V.I.N.CENT and B.O.B.  They’ve got the rounded, soft edges and big eyes...but they also have some tough hardware.

They have opening panels here and there to attach extending claws and prods.  Their heads can bob down into their torso for defensive mode.  V.I.N.CENT’s head extends up a step further for his overdrive offensive.

The bots also have different hover knob attachments and flight stands.  Unfortunately, these stands are similar to the ones that came with DST’s Ghostbusters figures.  Like with Slimer, the stand can barely support the weight of these figures.  This may be the only detractor from this series.

As a bonus, the figures come with a platform, railing, and cardboard backdrop to form a small diorama of the Cygnus ship interior.  DST did a great job with these cult classics, along with TRON and the Rocketeer.  These are the deluxe versions that you would find online or in the comic shops.  Walgreens is supposed to have some variants, cheaper but with less accessories.  They haven’t shown yet, but that may be due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  So, if you’re stuck inside during these times, order a set of these online and revisit The Black Hole on Disney +.

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