AT-ST Raider
Hasbro - Star Wars Vintage Collection
Best Buy Exclusive

So one of the few products out when The Mandalorian first hit was a store-exclusive, vehicle repaint. Jeez, along with not anticipating the universal love for Baby Yoda, this is another case of Disney demonstrating they have no clue what to do with Star Wars. At least it's a bone to throw at 3.75 inch collectors, right? Sure, even though we may have this sculpt several times over. And if you don't it can be yours for only $80. What?!
Do not pay $80 for this toy! Considering that it's a rehash from 2012 (and again in 2017), it may only be worth $40 tops. It does feature more detail and articulation than the Power of the Force 2 days, so again, if you don't have it, it is quite an upgrade.
The new Mando episode paint job may not be enough to close the deal, but it does look nice. I like the "kill" tic marks and dirty weathering here and there in particular. It also has a few strange additions in the soft goods cargo net sort of leg wrap? The functions of those pieces were not made clear, but I guess they work from a design and balance point of view? The biggest missed opportunity to give this a lil more bang for the buck would have been the inclusion of a red LED in the cockpit to mirror it's spooky, ominous look in the episode. This is something you could probably remedy yourself on the cheap with a visit to the dollar store...but the point is, its something so small and cheap to begin with that we shouldn't have to.

You do get an all-new figure with the vehicle. The Klatooinian Raider is a great figure that would run you at least $12 as a standard release. Man, $12 is still staggering to an old 3.75in collector, even with the improvements in sculpting and articulation. Still, there are lots of layers to his plastic armor, and he comes with a pistol and removable headgear to make it worthwhile. Without this guy, I guess the walker would make some great post-Empire salvage for my Ewoks.

It's hard to believe that this set hit a whole six months before a we are to get the Mandalorian himself. That's probably why this exclusive is still available, and at fluctuating prices. I got one as a damaged box deal for $50, which is still about $10 more than I wanted to go. If you can get this for under $50, go for it, especially if you are a fan of the show. If you don't like the show, buy one anyway...we need to show Hasblow that there are still some vintage collectors to cater to. It's getting tough out there...
cardboard playsets ($45?!)...
overpriced products ($80?!) from crap movies...
gaps in collections being held hostage ($500?!) us, Baby Yoda, your're our only hope.
This is so cool!! I love it. Yeah, the addition of a light in the cockpit would have been super awesome.