Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Black Ant and Atomica

Black Ant and Atomica
Hasbro Marvel Legends - DC Collectibles

An evil "Ant Man" teaming up with an evil "Atom!"  Are the combined efforts of our minuscule men (and women) of might enough to stop these tiny terrors?!  Finally, a mini DC and Marvel team-up...right here in my blog!

I really had no clue about the origins of Black Ant.  I assumed he was just a new Ant Man in the pages of the current comics I don't follow.  But after picking up his Walgreen's exclusive Marvel Legends figure for $10, I read up on him.  He's a flawed hero turned evil replicant?  Man, if the box had said "Evil Ant Man," I would have snapped him up at full price!

I'm not a fan of the reused "Pizza" Spider-man body.  It should be for Spidey only!  But, the color scheme works, and the paintjob on the eyes looks pretty creepy.  Considering the reuse and no build-a-figure pack-in, he should have some sort of accessories to put him on the must-have list.  C'mon...not even a miniature version of himself?!  Weak.

Atomica doesn't disappoint in that area AND features a new sculpt from DC Collectibles.  She would be priced slightly higher than Marvel Legends, but the accessories help balance that out.  The evil Atom, Atomica's costume reflects that of her heroic, alternate universe counterpart.  The goggles and belt are especially detailed.  Like the other DC Icons, she scales a bit small in true 6-inch, but that works considering that she's a girl and has the size-changing gimmick.

So, she doesn't come with a mini version of herself, BUT she does come with a mini version of the Ray Palmer Atom AND a dwarf-sized version of the Ryan Choi Atom.  Cool!  Ray comes with a stand and a "shrinking" effect.  Man, this is the second mid-sized Ryan Atom on my shelf...he needs a full-scale figure!  How about his Injustice 2 look, DDC?

It was nice getting to set up an action figure scene that didn't require some diorama or background for a change.  Also, as cool as Paul Rudd is...how much cooler would Ant Man be if he were a young Martin Landau?  Gotta love those inspired Toy Biz headsculpts!

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