Thursday, March 7, 2019


Basic Movie Figures - Mattel

I wanted to title this "The One-and-Only Captain Marvel", but I gotta get as many hits as I can with the correct search functions.  I am really looking forward to the Real Captain Marvel movie.  Continuing the righting of the ship started by Aquaman, it looks bright, funny, and fun.  And not that Marvel brand of "we're so ashamed of the goofiness of the property so here's another wink at the camera joke" kind of funny.  The kind that fully embraces the downright weirdness of true superhero escapism.  Sure, I would prefer that Dr. Sivana was more silver-age mad scientist, but you get what I mean.  Mark Strong deserves another chance to be in a decent superhero property! movie means new toys! 

This is the $10 basic figure lineup (slightly smaller 6-in figures with less articulation than the more expensive Multiverse figures.)  Like the Justice League, Aquaman, and Batman Missions basics, they get the job done handsomely for that price point and help fill gaps you might have in your greater DC comics roster.  Here we have the whole on-screen Marvel family and...holy Toledo...villain mini-figure pack-ins?!  How awesomely "Real Ghostbusters," Mattel!  

First, a look at the fam.  Captain Marvel, Freddy, and Pedro all appear to share the same body sculpt with color being the difference. That's not exactly a problem.  The suits all have the textured look to them with the appropriate capes and all, but shouldn't Marvel be the bulkiest and tallest of the team?  I haven't seen if this is actor-appropriate proportions yet, but I feel that Eugene is waay too big.  He's got at least a foot on the Big Red Cheese.  Size aside, the headsculpts look good for basic figures.

Mary and Darla are pretty unique sculpts.  Aside from a shared torso, I think everything else is different.  Mary has sculpted sleeves and no upper leg coverings, and Darla has some unique boots going on with a half-skirt.  

I already have comic versions of Freddy, Mary, and Marvel, so Pedro, Eugene, and Darla were the biggest draws for me.  Since I have high hopes for the movie, I wasn't going to pass the others by.  Plus, how could I stand not having the rest of the Deadly Sins?!  Sure, they're undersized, but a hero and a villain in one pack is better than most.  The only real gripe I have is that I would have preferred that they were solid PVC figures instead of a stretchy-rubbery material ("flinger" action gimmick), as I have concerns of how well they will keep over time.  Oh...and where is the Seventh Deadly Sin?  Lust?  C'mon, Mattel...what a cliffhanger!

I picked up my set from Amazon on the March 1 release date.  Highly recommended if you like this DC property (comics and/or film universe).  There are more articulated (and expensive) versions of Marvel and Sivana out now, but I am waiting to see the movie first and decide later if its worth the money.  Besides, just look at the perfection of comic Thad Bodog...he's even got Mr. Mind!  Hard to top, DCCU...hard to top.

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