Monday, March 18, 2019

Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon

Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon
Mattel - WWE Entrance Greats, Elite

Kurt and Shane were always so much fun during the Attitude Era, it's no wonder why they're back in the mix with the WWE today.  Both are fabulous heels, good at getting heat with pompous, overblown egos.  Kurt's got his gold medals to wave at the "professional" wrestlers while he spouts the three "I"s (Integrity, Intensity, Intelligence), and Shane's got daddy's money and trickle-down authority to push people around with.  Neither one afraid to take a bump to sell a story or push a "face" wrestler.

"Entrance Greats" base plays theme "Medal"...but sadly cuts out before the famous "you suck" part.

Milk not included...courtesy of "Gotham" Selina Kyle

I waited a long time to get the right classic Shane O Mac for my collection.  I went with the jersey-ed King of the Ring 2001 edition, because who can forget the bump he took from Angle that night?  They even included the famous plexiglass to suplex him through!  

Since WWE is a "family-friendly" company now, you'll have to custom up your own blood and battle damage.  I had a good time trying to pull off that moment with the pose-ability of these figures and was happy with the results.  Speaks highly for the articulation of the Elite figures.  I only wish they had some extra, interchangeable hands and maybe an alternate expression head.  Mattel is just now rolling these extras in with current releases, so maybe we'll see some re-releases with improvements?  Shane was a Ringside Collectibles exclusive, still available on their site along with Entrance Greats Kurt.

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