Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Ninja Turtles Ooze Canister Prop

Ninja Turtles Ooze Canister Prop

1990's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie is still one of the best comic book films ever made.  Honestly, it's right there behind Superman 78 and Batman 89 in style and heart.  Sigh...doesn't it stink to have to relabel greatness with date stamps to make sure people know we aren't talking about the flat, ugly, soul-less, CGI monstrosities that comic movies have become?  Anyway, I believe this is the first, official 1:1 scale prop from the original Turtles film produced.  There isn't much to it, but it's pretty accurate and has a couple of extra features. 

One end of the canister screws open to reveal a packet of ooze that you can work through the crack in the canister.  Too messy for me, this is one time where I'd rather leave a "toy" sealed in its packaging.  The other end opens to reveal a battery compartment and switch to activate a glowing, green light.

That's it for $50.  Is it worth it?  Eh, depends on how much of a Turtle fan you are.  I got a $10 off a $50 purchase holiday coupon from target that helped ease me into it.  I wonder  how many people are holding out for a TMNT II: Secret of the Ooze version?  Pass...the label of TCRI (Techno Cosmic Research Institute) changed to TGRI (Techno Global Research Industries) makes me sick.  With apologies to David Warner. 

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