Monday, September 24, 2018

The Thing and Silver Surfer

Thing and Silver Surfer
Marvel Legends - Hasbro
Walgreens Exclusives

Walgreens dropped back-to-back Fantastic Four exclusives on us in a matter of weeks...and they're both heavy hitters!  While I have older Toy Biz versions of both that I was completely happy with, these are pretty much perfection and must-haves while we wait for the Fox/Disney merger to decide what happens with the future of these characters.  I can see future movie versions, but I wouldn't wait to snap up any great comic accurates.  
The Surfer comes with a couple extra set of hands, some energy effects (Hasbro really likes reusing the same three standards), and his surf board.  The board has one foot peg for his back foot, which it good enough for posing but nowhere near as fun/toyetic as the magnetic board that came with the Toy Biz version.  Everything else is great, though.  His silver paint job really pops and you can get him in a lot of great poses with the butterfly shoulder joints.

Putting the Thing out in toy form has proved quite divisive in some action figure forums:  "too tall, too wide, the shorts are wrong, his rocks aren't plate-like, he should never have teeth," and the opposite.  Blah blah blah.  Different artist have drawn him different ways, so you're never going to make everyone happy.  I was happy with the Ultimate Thing (even though I don't like the Ultimate comics) from Toy Biz's FF sub-line about 12 years back, but this new one from Hasbro has dethroned him and taken his rightful seat in the Fantasticar.  He's a happy medium with all those complaints above:  big, but not too big; wide, but not too wide; a head with teeth, and one without.  He's also got a set of open hands and a set of closed fists.  He's pretty posable for a big lug, and the detailing and paint in the rocks looks so so so so damn good!  What's not to love about this version of everyone's favorite ever-lovin', blue-eyed Thing?!

Sweet Aunt Petunia...even his butt is appropriately rocky!

 Walgreens has assembled the greatest rendition of the Fantastic Four so far.  You should still be able to find Sue, Johnny, and Reed on shelves right now as Thing and Surfer trickle in.  I wonder what's next...could the greatest villain in Marvel Comics be waiting in the wings for his time to strike?

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