Friday, May 11, 2018

Bill and Ted Trading Cards

Bill and Ted's Most Atypical Movie Cards
Pro Set - 1991
Action figures by Kenner

This was a most excellent flea market find:  a sealed box of Bill and Ted trading cards for ten bucks!  I've had these for a couple of month's now, but with the recent, official announcement that B&T 3 (Bill and Ted Face the Music) is actually happening, "the best time to be review these now!"
So with a little help from my most outstanding Kenner Bill and Ted action figures, let's take a look!

That's 36 packs with 10 cards each.  360 cards in a box with a 100 card set meant I ended up with 3 complete sets and some leftovers...not bad, dude!

You get some nice, full color shots from both "Excellent Adventure" and "Bogus Journey", production shots, promotional pictures, and even some scenes that didn't make the cut.  Station!

There is a promotional game piece in every pack that has a spot you can scratch to see if you win a grand prize trip to San Dimas, CA...which is kind of bogus considering most of the first movie is shot in Arizona.  I would rather have the non-heinous first prize of a phone booth! 
The scratcher part didn't hold up well, so the few I did scratch were either hard to read or rubbed straight through the card.  Oh well...while it was tempting to see if there was a winning ticket buried on a dusty shelf of a flea market in Springfield, MO, it probably would have been heartbreaking as you couldn't turn back the clock to redeem it.  Unless, of course, you're a master of the time game...

Alternate ending?!  Righteous!
Deleted scene...catch you later, nightmare bunny!

Finding cheap sets like this is always a bodacious trip back in time.  While I wish there were some fun chase cards like holograms, I definitely got my money's worth in nostalgia.  Like phone booths, trading cards are a rare breed these days here in the non-movie, actual future. ("Heavy!)  Will the third movie get a set?  Here's hoping!  Until then, be excellent to each other.  And...


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