Monday, April 9, 2018

Mera and Atlantean Guards

Mera and Atlantean Guards
Mattel Justice League - Multiverse and Basic
Mera, Aquaman's main squeeze has had several 7-inch figures from DC Collectibles/Direct over the years, but I never knew how much I needed one until the Aquaman cast was beefed up by Mattel's DC Universe Classics.  Yes, I am making a concession with a movie figure, but the costume design and colors are pretty classic at least.  Sure, there's a more armored look and the colors could be less muted... still a decent enough stand in.
Mera got all of 2 minutes of screen time in Justice League, but from what I can remember, the figure looks enough like the actress.  She comes with a royal staff/spear and alternate, water-effects hands.  She was an Amazon exclusive initially priced at the standard $20 for this line, but has been offered as an add-on item as low as $6. 
The Atlantean Guard is one of the $10 basic figures.  Basics feature less articulation, but still scale fairly well.  I reviewed some basic Parademons a while back.  The guard was not available with the initial waves coinciding with the movie, therefore he was kind of hard to track down after. I would like to have 4-5 of them to make a decent army, but I'll take what I can get.  I scored a third guard shortly after taking these pictures.
Hope you enjoyed pictures of these figures with previous Mattel offerings like Ocean Master, Black Manta, Aqualad, and King Shark!

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