Monday, June 29, 2020

WWE Slambulance

WWE Slambulance

Mattel is taking a page from the Jakks Pacific days with a new, 7-inch scale vehicle/playset.  It has been a while since the Slam Mobile, so the Slambulance is a welcome addition.

It features opening/tear-off driver, passenger, and rear doors.

There is some nice detailing with the seats, dashboard, and center console.  The back bay has some nice stickers already applied.

The hood can be smashed in or ripped off to reveal the engine.

The roof can be smashed in or outward.

There is a large, breakaway portion on the side.

The other side has two removable storage compartment doors.  It looks like there are pegs and tabs inside that were meant for some extra gear that got cut?  In any case, you can store some goodies here.  Too bad the doors were only made to come apart, and not open for equipment access.

It comes with a stretcher accessory to be used with the main action feature.  When you press the license plate on the front, the stretcher shoots out the back doors and rolls a short distance.

Without the stretcher inside, there is a lot of room.  Heck, even with the stretcher, there is more than enough room for several figures.

Since the Ghostbusters are currently missing their iconic ride, they got the first spin in the Slambulance.  I might have to get another to customize into an Ecto-2 (IDW Comics’ RV unit) of sorts, and keep the other a plain ambulance.  At $40, here’s the question to Hasbro:  how much could the GB and Cadillac license possibly cost for you to make a profit and still keep the bottom line down for the consumer on a scale Ecto-1?  We heard the B.S. answer from Mattel back in the day...$250?!  Like I sad before, it doesn’t need all the bells and whistles, or be 100% accurate.  Just look at the Kenner classic!  The Plasma Series figures almost fit in that, for cryin’ out loud!

1 comment:

  1. Once again, AMAZING pictures! My favorite is Egon hanging out of the back of the Slambulance! This looks like a really fun vehicle.
