The Eighth Doctor
Doctor Who
Character Options

This Eighth Doctor is, for the most part, an all-new sculpt based on his appearance in the short webisode "Night of the Doctor." Ugh...McGann got the shaft again with the 50th anniversary show! He's a great actor, and has always deserved more time in the TARDIS.
While I have nothing bad to say about John Hurt, the War Doctor explanation was a bit lacking for me. At least Character Options included a McGann head with his figure so you could fantasize about unseen Eighth Doctor adventures. It looks a bit odd on Hurt's shorter, stout frame, so I'm glad he finally got a proper outfit.

Since these types of releases are few and far between, they are a bit pricey compared to when the line started. I was lucky to stumble upon this one at a local flea market for $8 in the box. While I would have passed him up altogether if he hadn't been a deal, I'm glad to have more number Eight variety to display. That brings him up to the same amount as my Hartnells and Troughtons. Poor Colin Baker still only has one change of clothes...
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