Monday, July 15, 2019

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

While the uber-dorks fight about the end of Game of Thrones, I'm over here revisiting Breaking Bad.  Sorry tits-and-dragons fans, BB is still a better show in many, many aspects.  However, I'm sure GoT fans have better "action" figures.

Mezco produced a small line of 6-inch figures that caused quite a stir between uptight moms and Toys R' Us.  Stick to the Playmobil and baby section, ladies, or get with the 21st century and keep your ungrateful little yuppie larvae out of the "adult collector" section.  Who's gonna tell them that blue sticker on the tiny plastic tray is supposed to be meth anyway?

Anyway...these are plastic statues that can barely hold their accessories.  Nothing to get worked up about here, unless you paid full price for these.  I got Walt and Jesse for about $4 each from Big Bad Toy Store recently, which is totally worth it if you are a fan of the show.  The sculpts are a bit exaggerated and cartoony, like some of Mezco's early lines (Goonies, Blues Brothers, Warriors).  GASP!  Maybe they were intentionally made cartoony to appeal to young children and turn them on to the world of drugs, guns, and crime?!

1 comment:

  1. This is such an amazing show. Screw tits-and-dragons. These figures make me happy. I want to see the Joker in the role of Gus making Walter and Jessie cook for him. They'd make some mean Brand X products!
    PS-Did you see the trailer for the Netflix Breaking Bad movie?!? WHAT?!
