Aquaman Movie Figures
DC Multiverse - Mattel
As usual, I planned to cherry pick this line to fill in gaps for my comic accurate figures. But the more and more I see about the Aquaman movie, the more excited I get! So while the a more accurate Mera and a completed Trench monster figure were the main draw, I do not regret getting them all so far. Mattel has upped their game with new articulation and body bucks. (ankle rockers!). The digital sculpts are clean and life like, and the paint and colors pop. Wait...colors...bright colors...from a Zack Snyder byproduct?! Have we all forgotten Man of Steel enough to give Aquaman a chance?

The basic figure line (less articulate, $10 base) also has some great stuff to offer. Shark vehicles! The great white is pretty big, can seat basic or multiverse figures, and has an action feature that actually works! The mouth opens and the multi-jointed tail moves with the push of a button...and pretty realistically, in my opinion. He has a hidden missile feature that is a little less believable, but should please Dr. Evil to no end. You also get a basic Aquaman...nothing to write home about, but proved useful for an easy, and better looking hair swap on the multiverse version.

The Trench creature sold me on the set, and he does not disappoint. Hinged jaw! The only downside is that, as a build a figure, it is impossible to amass an army of these guys. Here’s hoping for a basic figure to help with that problem, like the basic Parademons.
I had to buy another basic Aquaman and basic Orm to get to the Brine King. How could you not want a big crab monster guy? Yes, some articulation is sacrificed for an old school, leg squeezing action feature, but at least the snapping claw is appropriate. I only wish they had given his other, small claw and opening joint. Pre-Ocean Master orm is at least a variant figure not currently in the multiverse line, so he gets a pass.
All in all, some great offerings for a movie that could be another turkey. I’m still excited to see it, and will keep buying the figures to give my DC collection some Atlantean power.
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