Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Justice League Batmobile

Justice League Batmobile
Mattel -DC Multiverse

Well, I can throw my Batman V Superman Batmobile in the trash... because Mattel treated us to a more in-scale, more detailed Justice League Batmobile!  It may be a bare-bones version of the $250 RC version out now, but it retains all the style at a fraction of the cost.  Worth the $60?  Hell, being able to fit 6 and 7-inch scale figures in the cockpit with minimal swearing is value enough.
It's got an opening cockpit with some detail around the side consoles, the steering wheel and seat are appropriately Batman-like, and there's enough legroom for Mattel or slightly larger DC collectibles figures.  After opening it up, I grabbed 3 Batmen to do a fitting:  Superfriends Batman, Rebirth Batman, and Arkham Origins Batman.

Superfiends Batman is the smallest of the 3 and he has a cloth cape.  Like most vehicles in this scale, it's the capes that make or break them.  As with the Flying Fox, Superfiends Batman may be the go-to figure if you want room to spare. 
Rebirth Batman is a bit wider than SF Batman and he has a plastic cape.  Luckily, the cape is very flexible and flows straight down in the back.  The only difficult thing about it is the sides of the cape flare out, so to get him to fit in the car, you have to wrap it around his feet and hope it doesn't come undone as you slide him inside.  If done right, Batman is ready to roll.
The final Batman is the largest of the three.  Arkham Origins is closer to the 7-inch scale and is quite beefy in his armor.  In getting this car, I had the highest hopes that this one would fit.  He is one of my favorite Batman figures and I feel fits the aesthetic of this Batmobile I frequently refer to this car as the "Arkham Light."  His cape is very flexible as well and flows straight down.   You've got to make sure it doesn't bunch up in the back as you put him it.  It also takes a bit of work to get his arms/shoulders in.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  Popping the cape off this figure before putting him in the vehicle is easy enough, but I wish I didn't have to.  Not very Batman-like.  Oh well, I can live with it.  The other alternative is experimenting with giving him a custom cloth cape.  Maybe later.
Anyway, let's talk the other features besides actually being able to carry a figure.  It sports the new canon where the passenger side should be.  It can be rotated and moved up and down.  It has two hood machine guns and the missile launching hood ornament from BVS.  They all rotate and can be removed easily.  I know what you're thinking..."Batman doesn't kill."  Well, I guess Parademon life is not on the same level as human life, so blast away?
Aside from ammunition, the car has flip-up metal plates on the grill.  The wheels roll and the front two can pivot together for turns. The detailing is nice with some scoring/silver paint here and there.  It's definitely a more true shade of gray, whereas the BVS model had a bit of gunmetal bronze to it. 
I am happy with this upgrade, though my Batcave is getting a bit crowded these days.  Can Batman have too many wonderful toys?  Nah!  Especially with the true Arkham Knight and 1989 Batmobiles needed in this scale.

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