Friday, February 3, 2017

TerribleToyMan: The Scarecrow

The Scarecrow - Batman The Animated Series
DC Collectibles - 6-inch figure

This is the 6-inch Batman: The Animated Series "Scarecrow" by DC Collectibles. The animated style doesn't always make the jump into the third dimension easily.  Especially character designs from the fourth season (The New Batman Adventures) that some fans complained all had the shape of refrigerator boxes.  They also aren't exactly the right fit for modern, super-articulation.  If you had the 5-inch range of figures from Kenner back when the show was on TV, you should consider yourself a lucky child of the 90's and could probably skip this line entirely.  I mean, they look alright for the most part, and the episode specific accessories are nice, but all-in-all, these probably are not worth $20-$25 a figure.

He comes with a staff, a gun, a canister of fear toxin, a stand, and multiple extra hands...

The stand is virtually worthless on this guy.  There's nothing about his shape for the stand clamps to grasp, and the rubbery coat doesn't help.  You're at the mercy of his spindly legs to support his top-heavy body.

The fear toxin and the gun are fine.  I can't remember if the gun fires fear gas or is just a regular gun in that specific which case, you wander if the master of fear ever considered that shooting someone full of lead might be as scary if not scarier than making someone think they were covered in spiders.

Anyway, I would gladly trade several sets of these hands for any other accessory.  Total overkill, modern action figure collectors are swimming in "extra hands."

He's not extremely poseable, but this version of the Scarecrow wasn't a super active guy anyway, so it isn't a great concern.

Speaking of versions, this is not my preferred look for animated Scarecrow.   I would rather have the middle incarnation (with the red shirt and straw "hair.")  I only really bought into this figure as a completionist, scared that the line might tank before they get back around to the classic look.  Economic that's really scary, Mr. Crane.

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